This is Part 1 of a Series.
While the following information pertains most directly to Birchwood Isle Family Discipline Role Play, taking the following advice to heart will likely help you to achieve greater success in other ageplay or spanking role playing games as well, and this should be taken into consideration by those individuals who are looking to become more involved or who are currently having problems engaging with other role players.
While the following information pertains most directly to Birchwood Isle Family Discipline Role Play, taking the following advice to heart will likely help you to achieve greater success in other ageplay or spanking role playing games as well, and this should be taken into consideration by those individuals who are looking to become more involved or who are currently having problems engaging with other role players.
First, let us define what "bratty behavior" is in terms of the spanking community and role playing groups. For our purposes, a "brat" is an individual whose sole purpose in a role playing group is to move from one spanking to the next with very little storytelling effort and almost no interlude between punishments. We all like discipline, or we wouldn't be hanging around in groups where discipline features strongly in the theme of the site. However, brats take this love of punishment to an extreme, and will only push harder when the punishment they receive doesn't meet their expectations (the expectation being physical correction instead of other forms of discipline).
Bratting (or bratty behavior) tends to occur specifically with certain types of individuals.
- Those who are weak storytellers and who struggle to develop fully-realized characters. Generally speaking, these are "Mary Sue" characters who are under developed and have conflicting personality traits, like "eager to please" but also being "very naughty." Strong storytellers and advanced role players rarely have this problem, regardless of the nature of the group in which they are playing.
- Inexperienced age players who are at the beginning of their "career" in ageplay. Typically this is a correctable problem, because these types of brats simply don't know any better. A word from an admin or another member usually corrects this type of problem within a few threads, even if it's frustrating to deal with in the meantime.
- Selfish people who are only thinking of their own wants and not the entertainment of their role play partners. This usually actually goes for all different types of bratty behavior, since there's always somebody who has to sacrifice in order to contribute to a flat (reads: boring) story that is going nowhere in order to provide the spanking that this type of brat really wants.
- People who have become frustrated with their role play for any number of reasons. Usually this is because it's been too long since they received their last spanking in a role play thread, and they're pushing to get one since they're desperate for that kind of interaction. Almost everybody has moments like this. It happens. These people aren't usually brats, but sometimes act bratty.
Most roleplayers have very little regard for the bratty type of age player, and most bratty age players fail to recognize these behaviors in themselves, probably because it is difficult to admit that they are engaging in very unpleasant interactions with other members of a site. Whether you recognize bratty behavior in yourself or not is irrelevant; the other members of the sites where you role play recognize it in you, and if you find that you're being avoided in the games you play, chances are that you are considered one of the brats in those games.
While it's understandable that there will be times that you need a "quick fix" and want to get your child character or inner kid spanked as quickly as possible, this should never be the "norm" for your role play because if it becomes typical, you'll be labeled fairly quickly.
There are several reasons why bratting and bratty behavior should be avoided in all spanking sites, regardless of how harsh or focused on discipline they may appear to be.
- Most people who run these groups are submissives or have inner kids of their own. While it might not be obvious to most members, the majority of administrators are submissives or inner kids themselves and aren't interested in being the ones who issue the spankings to the entire group. If you're expecting the administrators to pick up where other members fail to do so, you're going to be sorely disappointed to find out that they are no more interested in spanking your child character or inner kid than you are in spanking theirs.
- Once you're labeled a brat, you're going to struggle to escape that label. All it takes is one bratty thread before the other members of the group have labeled you as a "brat" that they don't want to have to deal with, because they know the type. Brats generally flit from one spanking thread to the next with very little in between and very little story development, while contributing virtually nothing to the site.
- Brats aren't entertaining to the other members of the group. Trust me, everybody else looks at you and calls you "selfish" behind your back. Like it or not, if you elect to engage in bratty behavior instead of developing stories, you're showing that you're only interested in your own entertainment and not in the entertainment of the people reading your stories or interacting with you.
- Brats are boring. A purely bratty thread is nothing if not boring! If your character is shooting straight from the hip for an immediate spanking, it's going to make the other members yawn and move on to the next thread to find something that's more interesting. Where's the lead up? The entertainment? You're boring if you walk straight into a crowded room and start screaming at the top of your lungs. People will look once, and go on about their business.
If you're a new spanking roleplayer, chances are that you've fallen into the trap of playing a brat from time to time. That's understandable, because nobody has taught you how to do better. If you're an experienced role player, there is no excuse for this type of attitude toward the group in which you're playing.
The problem, from your perspective, is that ultimately this isn't going to get you spanked, for one of a couple of reasons.
The first, and perhaps the most significant reason, is that you're boring. If you're the teenager who is smoking pot in their bedroom with the door wide open (in the first pot in your thread, which doesn't involve any other teenagers interacting with you) or the four year old who is finger painting on the walls, or the ten year old who has wandered away from the group home and has found the park where she is now playing (all of these involving no other children whatsoever and aiming straight for the adults in the group), you're going to bore the people you want to spank you.
What makes these things so boring? There's no story, and everybody can see what you want, straight out of the gate. We don't know why your teenager is smoking pot with the door open because you haven't bothered to tell us; you're too busy thinking about the spanking that you're hoping to get and not thinking about the reasons that your teenager might be stupid enough to engage in an activity that is bound to get them caught and in serious trouble. We don't know how your four year old got ahold of the finger paints that were carefully put away by the caregiver to prevent just such a situation. We don't know what reason your ten year old has for wandering out of the children's home alone to go to the park.
We can deduce reasons using our own imagination, but ultimately we know that it's because you want them to be spanked.
The second important reason that this isn't going to get you spanked is that most of the people who use these groups are submissive people who prefer to be spanked than to do the spanking. If you don't give us a compelling reason to go out of our way to provide for your needs, then why should we? Give us a great story, an interesting character, and some indication that you'll be fun to spank, then we'll talk.
Those are the basic reasons that you won't get spanked for acting like a brat, but I would also like to make sure that you know that there are ways to prevent your character from acting like a total brat, or from creating a total brat.
- The most important thing is to not post an introductory thread in which you are anticipating your child character getting spanked. Bratty introduction threads really suck for the person who either currently has custody of the child character or the person who is accepting custody of the child character, because the adult is intended to spank a child that he or she has no real relationship with and who he or she may not have met before. This is very uncomfortable. If you've never played the adult in this situation, perhaps you should try it some time. I'll tell you; it's a cure for the urge to brat! Note that posting a bratty introduction thread sets your own personal standard for further bratty behavior.
- Create a story to get your child character into trouble instead of leaping straight for the running away/smoking pot/drawing on the walls type of thread. Do something. Do something that involves other kids. Interact with people and with your personal environment. Accept whoever steps into your thread even if it's not a person who you were anticipating. Don't reject the person because they are another kid looking to play or a teenager working the business that you've wandered into. Adults don't necessarily follow the kids around everywhere on every site, and they certainly don't on my site.
- Prove a willingness to play with child and teen characters, not just with adults. If your character only interacts with adult characters, this tends to be a bad sign, and it's a red flag for most admins that you're somebody who is angling for constant adult attention. Be autonomous. Some of my members are even able to pull off entire threads that they play by themselves with multiple characters that they own. This is the sort of thing that we're looking for. But do note that there are exceptions for very young children who are parent-dependent!
- Never force a teenage character to spank your child character or to otherwise parent them. This is another trick that brats use, particularly when there isn't an adult character available to interact with. When a teenager enters your thread, it's probably not so that they can parent you, but instead because they're looking for interaction too.
- Try playing a teenager instead of a younger child. Teens naturally get into a lot more trouble than their younger counterparts and it's a lot easier to get them into the type of trouble that you're looking for (spanking) because they are naturally mouthy and tend to break rules in an effort to show their personal autonomy. This behavior doesn't seem quite as bratty provided that it is natural and interactive (i.e. not just lighting up a cigarette to test the adults in the thread, who are more likely to simply drop it than to play it out).
None of the above are guaranteed to keep you from bratting, but if you're aware of your behavior you have a better shot at stopping it before it gets out of hand and you have alienated yourself entirely from the group.
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